
发布时间:2023-08-06       阅读:328       作者:admin123       分类:纸飞机官网



Panda" and "Panda Bear" redirect here. For other uses, see Panda (disambiguation) and Panda Bear (disambiguation).

For the Red Panda, see Red Panda.

Giant Panda

The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, literally "cat-foot black-and-white") is a mammal classified in the bear family (Ursidae), native to central-western and southwestern China.The Giant Panda was previously thought to be a member of the Procyonidae (raccoon) family.It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though belonging to the order Carnivora, the Giant Panda has a diet which is 99% bamboo. The Giant Panda may eat other foods such as honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, and bananas when available.

The Giant Panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. It once lived in lowland areas, but farming, forest clearing, and other development now restrict the Giant Panda to the mountains.

The Giant Panda is a conservation reliant endangered species. According to the latest report, China has 239 Giant Pandas in captivity and another 27 living outside the country. It also estimated that around 1,590 pandas are currently living in the wild. However, a 2006 study, via DNA analysis, estimated that there might be as many as 2,000 to 3,000 Giant Pandas in the wild.[5] Though reports show that the numbers of wild pandas are on the rise,[6][7] the International Union for Conservation of Nature believes there is not enough certainty to remove the Giant Panda from the endangered animal list.

While the dragon has historically served as China's national emblem, in recent decades the Giant Panda has also served as an emblem for the country. Its image appears on a large number of modern Chinese commemorative silver, gold, and platinum coins. Though the Giant Panda is often assumed to be docile, it has been known to attack humans, presumably out of irritation rather than predatory behavior.







!在此,祝愿大家都顺利通过大学英语四级考试!一、段落发展的几种手段1. 列举法(details)作者运用列举法,是通过列举一系列册哗的论据对topic sentence中摆出的论点进行广泛、全面地陈述或解释,列举的顺序可以按照所列各点内容的相对重要性、时间、空间等进行。

Yesterday was one of those awful days for me when everything I did went wrong. First, I didn't hear my alarm clock and arrived late for work. Then, I didn't read my diary properly and fot to get to an important meeting with my boss. During the coffee break, I dropped my coffee cup and spoilt my new skirt. At lunch time, I left my purse on a bus and lost all the money that was in it. After lunch, my boss was angry because I hadn't gone to the meeting. Then I didn't notice a sign on a door that said "Wet Paint" and so I spoilt my jacket too. When I got home I couldn't get into my flat because I had left my key in my office. So I broke a window to get in-and cut my hand.根据本段主题句中的关键词组everything I did went wrong,作者列举了8点内容,分别由first, then, during the coffee break, after lunch time等连接词语引出,使得该文条理清楚、脉络分明、内容连贯。

常用于列举法的过渡连接词有没穗:for one thing , for another, finally, besides, moreover, one another , still another, first, second, also等。

2. 举例法(example)作者通过举出具体事例来阐述、说明主题句的内容,严格地讲枯姿卜,举例法也是列举法的一种,它们的区别在于:列举法侧重罗列事实,所列事实力求全面;而举例法侧重通过举出典型事例来解释作者观点,且事例可多可少。


There are many different forms of exercises to suit different tastes. For example, those who enjoy petitive sports may take up ball games. For another example, if they prefer to exercise alone, they can have a run or take a walk in the morning or in the evening. Besides, people can go swimming in the summer and go skating in the winter. In short, no matter what their interests are, people can always find more than one sports that are suitable to them.本段采用了三个事例来说明主题句中的关键词组different forms of exercises,这三个例子分别由连接词for example, for another example 和besides引出,最后由引导的结尾句总结全段内容。

举例法中常用的连接词有:for example(instance), one example is, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition等。

3. 叙述法(narration)叙述法发展段落主要是按照事物本身的时间或空间的排列顺序,通过对一些特有过渡连接词的使用,有层次分步骤地表达主题句的一种写作手段。

用这种方法展开段落,作者能够清楚连贯地交待事物的本末,从而可以使读者可以清晰、完整地理解文章的含义,例如:In the flat opposite, a woman heard the noise outside. When she looked out through the window, she discovered that her neighbour was threatened by someone. She immediately called the police station. In answer to the call, a patrol police car arrived at the scene of the crime quickly. Three policemen went inside the flat at once, and others guarded outside the building to prevent anyone from escaping.这段是按照事物发展的先后顺序,叙述从发现案情、报警、到警察赶到、包围现场的过程。


常用于叙述法中的过渡连接词有:first, an the beginning, to start with, after that, later, then, afterwards, in the end, finally等。

4. 对比法或比较法(parison contrast)将同类的事物按照某种特定的规则进行比较分析是一种常用的思维方法。

通过对比,更容易阐述所述对象之间的异同和优缺点,例如:The heart of an electronic puter lies in its vacuum tubes, or transistors. Its electronic circuits work a thousand times faster than the nicer cells in the human brain. A problem that might take a human being a long time to solve can be solved by a puter in one minute.在这段文字上, 作者为了突出电子计算机运行速度之快,首先将它与人脑进行了比较, "---a thousand times faster than ---" ;而后,又将这一概念具体到了 "a problem"上,通过对比使读者从 "---a long time ---in one minute"上有更加直观的认识。

常用于对本法或比较法上的过渡连接词有:than, pared with等。

5. 分类法(classification)在阐述某一概念的段落中,常用分类法。

通过对概念中所包括的事物进行分门别类,分别加以叙述,使读者有更为清晰的认识,如:Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of munication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, munication is acplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas. Tourists and the people unable to hear or speak have had to resort to this ...




第一部分:听力理解(Part 1:Listening Comprehension):共20题,考试时间20分钟。

这一部分包括两节:A节(Section A)有10题,每题含一组对话,对话后有一个问句。

B节(Section B)有10题,分别安排在若干篇听力材料之后,每篇后有二至四道题,每题为一个问句。

第二部分:阅读理解(Part Ⅱ:Reading Comprehension):共20题,考试时间35分。




第三部分:词语用法和语法结构(Part Ⅲ:Vocabulary and Structure):共30题,考试时间20分钟。





第四部分:完形填空(Part Ⅳ :Cloze):共20题,考试时间15分钟。




第五部分:写作(Part Ⅴ:Writing):共1题,考试时间30分钟。





扩展资料:大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性教学考试。


















四级中 作文和翻译算在一起··大约是106分左右 ,一般来说13,14分的作文就算牛逼作文了,很少有满分作文了,所以作文拿到93分以上是相当高水平了。





这个是相对应的分值表:分数 得分 标准分15 71 106.514 67 100.513 63 94.512 60 9011 57 85.510 54 819 51 76.58 48 727 45 67.56 42 635 39 58.54 37 55.53 35 52.52 33 49.51 31 46.50 29 43.5


档次 评分标准 13-15分 切题。


10-12分 切题。


7-9分 基本切题。


4-6分 基本切题。



1-3分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。

0分 未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或作文与主题毫不相关。

历届英语四级作文范文 要有中文翻译

2008年6月作文题目及范文提纲1. 娱乐活动多种多样2. 娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性3. 作为大学生我的看法范文: Recreational activityAbundant recreational activities are available for people to release their strain and stress, ranging from sports to online activities. There is going on a hot debate arguing whether they are good for the public or not, especially for college students.As for such a question, different people hold different views. Some believe that recreation is helpful if we want to keep healthy physically and mentally. While there also sounds an opposite voice, which claims that activities also bring many problems. For example, some young people are easily addicted to the virtual world online, which affects their study seriously and may lead to worse consequences as well. As for me, I hold a belief that recreational activities do more good than harm. They do give us a good chance, and efficiency too. As long as we can arrange the time reasonably, they will definitely provide more benefits for us.作文地带提供参考翻译:娱乐活动 从运动到网游,各式各样的娱乐活动都能够缓解人们的疲劳和压力。



一部分人认为娱乐活动有助于我们保持健康的身体和心理,但也有反对的 声音,有人认为娱乐活动会带来很多问题,例如一些年轻人很容易沉迷于网络中的虚拟世界,这会对学生产生极坏的影响并带来严重的后果。



2008年12月作文题目及范文Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags. You should write at Least 120 words following the outline given below: 1.一次性塑料袋曾广泛使用 2.由此带来的问题 3.限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义范文:Disposable Plastic Bags Nowadays we may find ourselves surrounded by a sea of disposable plastic bags. And recently the problems of using disposable plastic bags have been brought into people's focus. First of all, the use of disposable plastic bags causes irreversible harm to our environment. As these bags are not biodegradable, they are blocking the drainage system and causing water pollution. What's more, customers using disposable plastic bags may think that they are of great convenience. But what they don't quite realize is that there will be remarkable negative impact on our health. And sometimes careless disposal of these bags may even poison some innocent animals. In view of the severity of this issue, effective measures have been taken in our country. There has been a strict limit on the using of disposable plastic bags in supermarkets, which not only enhances people's awareness on environmental protection but also cuts down the cost of the running of supermarkets. 作文地带提供参考翻译:一次性塑料袋 如今在我们周围是一片一次性塑料袋的海洋。









2009年6月大学英语四级作文及范文Free Admission to museums越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么?也会带来一些问题;你的看法?范文:Free Admission to Museums?Nowadays, a lot of museums open to the public for free, and a lot of people are attracted to go there. However, it also brought some unexpected problems.At present, people can get knowledge from many ways like libraries, inter, and other sources. However, there is also much information that people cannot get from the above ways. Free admission museums supply more chances for the public to get knowledge that cannot be easily accessed. People can learn more things about history, art, science and so on. Although, this kind of policy brought much convenience to the public, it also caused some problems. For example, beggars and shabby-dressed people may enter the museums and cause bad reputation among the public; along with the increasing number of people getting into museums, there will be no enough service establishments to meet the requirements; besides, under the policy of free admission, the cultural relics displ...



一.段首句 1)关于……人们有不同的观点。

一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to 省略.Some people suggest that 省略. 2)俗话说……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使今天,它在许多场合仍然使用。

There is an old saying省略.It is the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3)现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。



Today,省略,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First,省略,Second,省略.What makes things worse is that 省略. 4)现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外……。

Nowadays,it is mon to 省略.Many people like 省略because省略.Besides,省略. 5)任何事物都是两面性,……也不例外。


Everything has o sides and 省略is not an exception.It has both advantages and disadvantages. 6)关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为……,在他们看来,…… People's opinions about 省略vary from person to person.Some people say that 省略.To them,省略. 7)人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变的越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem省略which is being more and more serious. 8)……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年轻人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

省略has bee a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9)……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

省略has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10)根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条图形/成形图可以看出……。

很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages/ in the chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that省略.Obviously,省略,but why? 二.中间段落句 1)相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of 省略.At the same time ,they say省略. 2)但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。


But I don't think it is a very good way to solve省略.For example,省略.Worst of all,省略. 3)……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,非常重要的。


而且……,最重要的是…… 省略is necessary and important to our country's development and construction.First,省略.What's more,省略.Most important of all,省略. 4)有几个可供我们采纳的方法。


There are several measures for us to adopt.First,we can省略. 5)面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效地方法来……。

一方面……,另一方面…… Confronted with省略,we should take a series of effective measures to省略.For one thing,省略For another,省略. 6)早该拿出行动了。



It is high time that something was done about it.For example,省略.In addition.省略.All these measures will certainly省略. 7)然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它不利的一面,像……。

However,just like everyone has both its good and bad sides,省略also has its own disadvantages,such as省略. 8)尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Noheless,I believe that省略is more advantageous. 9)完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下: I fully agree with the statement that省略because省略. 三.结尾句 1)至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为…… As for as I am concerned,I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.I think that省略. 2)总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。


In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of省略.Only in this way can省略in the future. 3)就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。

因此…… Personally,I believe that省略.Consequently,I'm confident that a bright future is awaiting us because省略. 4)随着社会的发展,……。



With the development of society,省略.So it's urgent and necessary to省略.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society,it will be better and better. 5)至于我(对我而言,就我而言),我认为……更合理。


议论文举例第一步:网上各种议论文模板,背一个第二步:使用合适的连接词和短语(属于加分的细节)第三部:词汇,不要important,interesting,i think,we know...我们写作老师直接说这种低级词汇一出来分数高不了。


tips:模板里的一二三原则不要用first,second……这种模板要背就背个tobegin with,then,furthermore,finally或者to start with,next,in addition,finally 或者 first and foremost,besides,last but not least这样的。


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CXQ Chinese Chess Basic Rules中国象棋基本规则

One can move the pieces according to the following rules:行棋规则

The King moves only one space at a time, either horizontally or vertically. Further more, the King must always stay within the palace, which is a square marked with an X.将(帅):一次走一格,可以横向走,也可以纵向走正并,但不能离开九宫。

The Guards (Advisor) move only one space at a time diagonally. Similar to the King, the guards must stay within the palace.士(仕):一次斜向走一格,和将(帅)相似,也不能离开九宫。

The Ministers (Elephants) move two spaces at a time diagonally (i.e. 2 spaces left/right and 2 spaces up/down in a move). They must stay within their own side of the river. If there is a piece midway between the original and final intended position of a minister, the minister is blocked and the move is not allowed.象(相):一次斜向走两格(即向左或右横向走两格以后再向上或向下纵向走两格)。象(相)不能过河。如果象的原始位置与终点位置之间的中心点上有一颗棋子,则叫做塞象眼,这时象不能飞到目标点。

The Rooks (Cars) move one or more spaces horizontally or vertically provided that all positions between the original and final positions are empty.车:走直线,可以横向或纵向走一格或多格,只要起始位置与终点位置之间没有其他棋子阻拦。

The Knights (Horses) move two spaces horizontally and one space vertically (or respectively 2 spaces vertically and one space horizontally). If there is a piece next to the horse in the horizontal (vertical) direction, the horse is blocked and the move is not allowed.马洞李:先横向走两格,再纵向走一格(或先纵向走两格,再横向走一格)。如果先走的两格里有一颗棋子紧挨着马,则叫做别马脚,这时马不能跳到目标点。

The Cannons move one or more spaces horizontally or vertically like a Rook. However, in a capture move, there must be exactly one non-empty space in between the original and final position. In a non-capture move, all spaces in between must be empty.炮:和车一样,可以横向或纵向走一格或多格。但是,炮在吃对方棋子的时候,炮的起始位置与终点位置之间必须有一颗棋子。不吃子的时候,炮的起始位置与终点位举颤迹置之间不能有棋子阻拦。

The Pawns (or Soldiers) move one space at a time. If a pawn does not cross the river yet, it can only move forward vertically. Once crossing the river, the pawn can also move horizontally.兵(卒):一次走一格。兵(卒)在没有过河之前,每次只能向前走一格。过了河以后,兵(卒)除了可以向前走一格以外,还可以向左或向右横向走一格。

Capture: When a piece moves to a position currently held by an opponent's piece, it captures that opponent's piece. The captured piece is removed from the board.吃子:棋子走动一步,如果结点上刚好有对方的一颗棋子,则可以吃掉对方的棋子。吃掉的棋子要从棋盘上拿走。

King's line of sight: The two Kings in the board must never be on the same file (vertical line) without any pieces in between them. A move that puts the two Kings in such a setting is illegal.将(帅)对面:将和帅不能位于同一条纵向的直线上且将帅之间没有其他棋子而直接对面。如果一方行棋以后将帅直接对面了,则这步棋为不允许着法。

King safety: One must never leave the King to be captured by the opponent in the next move. Any moves that put the King in such a setting is illegal.应将:当一方下一步可以吃掉对方的将(帅)时,象棋术语叫做“将军”。当一方被将军时必须应将,即不能让对方下一步棋吃掉己方的将(帅)。

End game condition: The game ends when one of the following situations happens:终局:出现下列情况之一即结束棋局:

Checkmate: If one threatens to capture the opponent's King and the opponent has no way to resolve the threat, one wins.将死:如果第一方在将军,而对方无法解将,则第一方胜。

Stalemate: If one does not have any valid move, one loses.困毙:当一方无子可走,则困毙输棋。

One or both sides violate the Advanced Rules.一方或双方违反下列规则。

CXQ Chinese Chess Advanced Rules中国象棋高级规则:

To make the games fair, certain patern of movements are restricted. In the nutshell, CXQ Rules prohibit a player to continuously threaten to capture one opponent's piece using one or more pieces. Such movements are either perpetual checks (if the King is threatened) or perpetual chases (if an unprotected piece other than the King is threatened).不允许长将与长捉。

Terminology: To make the rules precise, the following terms are used: 象棋术语:Check: A move of any piece that causes the opponent's King to be threatened with capture in the next move.将军:一方下一步即要吃掉对方的将(帅)。

Same type sacrifice/trade: A piece moves to a position where it can capture an opponent's piece of the same type in such a way that the opponent piece can also capture it in the next move.兑子:一方走一步棋后可以吃对方相同的一颗棋子,而对方下一着也可以吃掉这颗棋子。Chase: A piece moves to a position where it can capture an opponent's piece, which is not the King, in the next move. It is also a chase when a piece moves and results in a cannon attacking an opponent's piece. There are a few exceptions:捉:一方行棋以后,下一步即可吃对方除将(帅)以后的一颗棋子。如果一方行棋以后,使炮攻击到了对方的棋子,也称之为捉。但下列情况除外: It is not a chase when a King or a Pawn threatens to capture any piece.将(帅)或兵(卒)要吃对方的棋子,不能算捉。

It is not a chase to threaten to capture a Pawn when it is yet to cross the river.要吃对方还没有过河的兵(卒),不能算捉。

Same type sacrifice/trade is not a chase.兑子不能算捉。

Protected: A piece is protected if there is a piece that can capture any piece that takes the protected piece. An exception is that a car is never considered protected when it is threatened by an opponent's cannon or knight.根:如果对方要吃我方一颗棋子,而我方有棋子可以吃掉对方那颗吃棋的子,则我方的棋子有根。但有一种情况例外,当对方的炮或马要吃我方的车时,则不能说我方的车有根。

The CXQ Advanced Rules: All moves following the basic rules are allowed except:中国象棋高级规则:以上基本规则都是允许着法,但下列情况除外:

Perpetual Check: Continuously checking opponent using one or more pieces is not allowed.长将:用一个或多个棋子重复向对方将军,为禁止着法。

Perpetual Chase: Continuously chasing one unprotected opponent piece using one or more pieces is not allowed.长捉:用一个对多个棋子重复捉对方的无根子,为禁止着法。

When one side violates the Advanced Rules while the other does not, the one who violates the rule loses. 一方违反高级规则,而另一方没有违反高级规则,则违反规则的一方不变作负。

It is a draw when both sides perpetual check or both perpetual chase. 双方长将或长捉,不变作和。

If one side perpetual checks and the other side perpetual chases, the one who perpetual checks loses.一方长将,另一方长捉,长将方不变作负。

CXQ allows a player to check/chase 6 consecutive times using one piece, 12 times using 2 pieces, and 18 times using 3 pieces before considering the check/chase a perpetual check/chase.中国象棋规则规定,在判长将或长捉之前,可以用1个棋子连续将或捉6次,2个棋子连续将或捉12次,3个棋子连续将或捉18次。

CXQ Automatic Drawing Rules自动判和规则:

When the game is not winnable, it is strongly recommended that both players draw the game by themselves. 如果棋局无法取得胜利,建议对局双方协议和棋

To prevent one or both players from dragging the games for a long time, CXQ imposes the following 3 rules for automatic drawing:为防止一方或双方拖延时间,中国象棋规则规定以下三种情况自动判和

Moves Rule: When the total number of moves made by each side reaches 300.行棋规则:对局双方各自行棋满300步。Effective Rule: When the total number of effective moves, moves made by each side excluding checking/chasing moves or moves to respond to checking/chasing, reaches 120.有效规则:有效步数、不含将军与应将的步数各方满120步。

Progress Rule: When the total number of moves by each side since the last time a progress is made, i.e. since (1) the last capture or (2) the last advance of a pawn already crossed the river, reaches 30.自然限着:最后一次吃子各方满30步,或过河兵(卒)最后一次行棋满30步。

NotesCXQ Advanced Rules are similar to Asian Chinese Chess Rules. CXQ's goal is to make the rules as easily understandable by an average player as possible. Those who wish to learn the rules more in detail are strongly recommended to check out Asian Rules.中国象棋规则类似于亚洲象棋规则。中国象棋规则的制定原则是尽可能使中等水平的棋手容易理解。强烈建议想要进一步了解象棋规则的棋手学习亚洲规则。

Following are the judgement calls for common scenarios using the Advanced Rules:以下是使用高级规则的常用判断棋例:

One (or many) checks one idle is allowed.一将(或多将)一闲为允许着法。

One (or many) checks one chase is allowed.一将(或多将)一捉为允许着法。

One (or many) chases one check is allowed.一捉(或多捉)一将为允许着法。

One (or many) chases one idle is allowed.一捉(或多捉)一闲为允许着法。

One (or many) checks one threaten to checkmate is allowed.一将(或多将)一杀为允许着法。

Perpetual chase two or more pieces is allowed.长捉两个或多个棋子为允许着法。

Perpetual blocking is allowed.长别马脚或塞象眼为允许着法。

Note that a move is a violation if it violates the Advanced Rules in any way. For example, a perpetual blocking, if it is also a perpetual chase, is a violation even though perpetual blocking is allowed in general.违反以上高级规则的着法都属违例。例如,尽管长别马脚或塞象眼为允许着法,但如果同时构成了长捉,即属违例。



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